Search engine marketing FAQ

Q.1 What is search engine optimization ?

Ans : Search engine optimization is optimizing your website in such a way that it facilitates it’s listing in the search engines and receives organic traffic directly from the search engines.

Q.2 Why is it beneficial to be ranked high on search engines ?

Ans : Higher rankings simply means top listings in the search engines.The higher you rank for your keywords, the better the chances of the visitors finding your site, the more your potential profits from your business.

Q.3 : Will the submissions guarantee my listing at the top on the search engines ?

Ans : Submission of your website to search engines is a way to let them know that you exist. This helps them to discover your website, crawl through your pages and index them in the appropriate categories. But your search engine rankings are decided based on a lot of criteria based on the search engine algorithm. Some of these include the structure of your site, the content , the competition in your industry, the authority in your industry.

So, while submission may not guarantee your listing in the top pages, it does ensure that the visibility of your site increases and that you get found by your target traffic if your website is the real deal in your industry.

Q.4: How much time does it take to see results after the submission ?

Ans : Normally you can see a change in 3 to 6 weeks time. However, there are other sites that have taken about 60 to 90 days to see any appreciable change in traffic and results. This time can be minimized with accurate knowledge and experience.

Q.5 : What if my site doesn’t get the top ranks despite submission ?

Ans : Submission of your site is to help the search engines find it , but it doesn’t necessarily ensure top listings. There are many aspects of your website that influence your ranking.

BDNETSOUL does a complete analysis of your site and it’s SERPs ( Search engine ranking position ) . This analysis will help you understand how you can alter your website’s structure, content and other parameters to improve your ranking in the search engine and drive more target traffic from the search engines.

Q.6 What are meta tags and what role do they play in seo ?

Ans : Meta tags are elements within the html code where you place the keywords and description of your site. In earlier times search engines used to read these meta tags to index the websites under those keywords , but with the increase in spamming and black-hat seo search engines began concentrating on other aspects of the website like the quality of the content, page structure and several others.

While the search engine spiders still take note of the meta tags , their influence on the search engine rankings of a website have significantly diminished and replaced by more vital factors.

Q.7 What is black-hat seo ?

Ans : There are search engine optimization that are legal and there are the ones that search engine consider illegal or black-hat. While employing some of the black-hat techniques may result in fast improvement of your search engine ranking, once detected by the search engines, your site stands the chance to get deindexed or blacklisted.

This means that your website will not appear on that search engine for any of your keywords leading to loss of traffic and revenue. So, avoiding spamming the search engine and black-hat seo to gain quick search engine exposure is in the interest of your website.

Q.8 : What is your position on spamming ?

Ans : We at BDNETSOUL employ only legal and authentic techniques to get your website search engine exposure and improve your SERPs. We don’t believe in spamming the search engines because it is detrimental for the website and neither is it in the interest of our business.

Q.9 : Can you guarantee higher profits once my site gets better rankings ?

Ans : There is no guarantee, but it’s the best exposure your website will ever get. This is because the visitors coming to your site via search engines are doing voluntary searches for a product or information. This means they are already interested in the product/ service. So, there are very high chances of improving your return on investment by getting your website top listings.

Q.10 : For what languages do you optimize the websites for search engines ?

Ans : We do search engine optimization for websites in English languages, but even if your website is in a foreign language, you will benefit from our services because many foreign languages search engines these days have an English version to target global visitors. Your search engine ranking will improve for these search engines.

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