E-Commerce Web Solutions

E-Commerce web Solutions

Do you need an e-commerce website for processing all your online transactions smoothly ?

Your internet business e- commerce solutions. We offer a comprehensive package of e-commerce solutions that you can choose from. This investment in technology will bring great value to your business. Our modern solutions will help you reduce server costs by connecting your applications with a single internet connection.

You can choose from a basic corporate e-commerce website, a professional e-commerce site or a top-level store that sells online. Simply put, we will create your e-commerce store that gets your business the attention that it deserves. It will offer multiple languages and currencies, integrated shopping cart, multiple payment gateways and all functionalities that you dream for your business.

Unique system for creating and managing Store with:

  • Modern custom designs
  • Multiple languages and currencies
  • Unlimited product and categories
  • Integration of multiple payment gateways
  • Spacious and flexible product catalog
  • Complete control over your site
  • Easy content management and updating
  • Integrated shopping cart
  • Easy and secure customer profile management
  • Specialized features to provide all functionalities that you want

Whatever the industry you are in, we are committed to understand your online objectives and develop innovative solutions for your business needs and inflate your sales volume. Our solutions are extremely user-friendly and will offer your customers a pleasant shopping experience every time they shop with you.

  • E-Commerce Basic
    Price $689M
  • E-Commerce Standard
    Price $1298
  • E-Commerce Advanced
    Price $2399*
  • An attractively designed user-friendly E-commerce site meant for small and middle-sized companies and businesses aiming to have an online interface to showcase their products , grow their market presence and facilitate smooth online transactions.
  • An stylishly designed professional and interactive E-commerce website customised to suit your organizational and business needs. The e-commerce website can be personalized to meet the requirements of an expanding market and long-term organizational plans.
  • Elegantly designed e-commerce website complementing your business and customized to your exact needs. Unlimited revisions with advanced features and functionalities that will make your website a powerful and fully optimized online marketing interface to communicate seamlessly with your present and potential customers.
  • Features :

    Homepage + 5 inner pages

    Easy to use and navigate

    22 products fully integrated into the design

    Design matching company image

    Admin Interface

    Flash Introduction

    Payment gateway integration

    Search engine friendly

    Complete E-commerce Solution, No software download necessary for maintenance

  • Features :

    Homepage + 15 inner pages

    User-friendly design and easy to navigate

    Admin Area with Seamless product Management

    60 product display

    Customized shopping cart

    Multiple Payment gateway integration

    Flash Integration

    Compatable with all major browsers

    Unlimited buttons

  • Features :

    Homepage + 42 Inner pages**

    User-friendly design and easy to navigate

    Customized Admin panel and product management ( add, edit, delete products )

    Unlimited product display

    Customized Shopping Cart with added features

    Multiple Payment gateway integration

    Elegant Flash Integration

    Search engine optimization and submissions

    Compatable with all major browsers

    Fully Optimized for search engines

    Unlimited banners and buttons

  • We do the necessary customization to personalize the site for you or your company for free. Your site will be CSS based and will run with java script effects. Please know that you can add Flash or any programming for very low price.
  • We do the necessary customization to personalize the site for you or your company for free. Your site will be CSS based and will run with java script effects. Please know that you can add any feature or programming for very low price.
  • We do the necessary customization to personalize the site for you or your company for free. Your site will be CSS based and will run with java script effects. Please know that you can add any feature or programming for very low price.
  • Total Price USD $689
  • Total Price USD $1298
  • Total Price USD $2399*

*Prices may vary depending on the features and functionalities to be integrated **Additional pages at marginal extra cost

Contact us at tamim.inet@gmail.com for a fully functional, user-friendly, cost effective e-commerce website.

Search Engine Submission

Search engine submission refers to the submission of a website to the major search engines like Yahoo, Google and Bing. The process of submitting a website helps the search engines quickly discover them and index them in the appropriate category based on the theme and content of the website.

Although the major search engines have their bots crawling the web to find out about the existing and new sites, the process of submission may facilitate the quick indexing of a site in some cases. However, this doesn’t mean that a site should always be submitted to the search engine after creation of a new web page. In fact, certain search engines prefer finding websites by their own and may view frequent submission as an effort to unethically influence the ranking of the website in their database.

Search engine marketing :

Search engine marketing is undoubtedly the fastest, cheapest and most effective way to advertise, gain potential new customers and generate sales from your website. This type of advertising is in line with contemporary marketing, called Performance Marketing, that is, you only pay if you get results , this being truly amazing for the advertiser.

When a potential client makes a query into a search engine, the natural results show up on the left and other results are listed as text ads on the right and sometimes on the top of the screen.

These ads are sponsored by advertisers who bid on certain keywords related to their business or company. The key point is that your ad shows if relevant to the combination of words that the user has entered in his query. This way , the potential customer sees your ad with a higher purchase intent than usual and the advertiser only pays if a user clicks your ad and visits your website.

This advertising system is revolutionary and yet extremely advantageous for the company. It requires a degree of knowledge and management of SEM. Otherwise , it may become very laborious to maintain the account for a variety of reasons, for example if the company has a wide range of products and services or there is intense competition.

This is where a specialized agency experienced in search engine marketing steps in and works to achieve the best results for the advertiser, bidding on the keywords, getting the least cost per click for the traffic generated and ultimately optimizing the campaign to get the best return on investment.

Inspired enough to know more? Contact us at info@bdnetsoul.com, tamim.inet@gmail.com

Search Engine Optimization

BDNETSOUL is a specialist in delivering result-oriented and quantifiable search engine optimization. Our principle objective is to create awareness about your website, increase the brand value and to generate new customers for your business by improving the volume and quality of your target traffic.

We have three years experience in this industry and our professionals know exactly how to optimize a website for the search engine, index all the web pages and improve the search engine ranking position for the terms that define your business.

Our seo service is based on the following actions :

  • Strategic planning of your website structure to get it indexed in major search engines
  • Comprehensive keyword analysis for your website
  • Analysis of link popularity and inbound links
  • Analysis of competitors and site position relative to competitors
  • Web site analysis : Structure, texts, internal links, navigation maps, selection of titles, meta-tags, semantic tags, alternative text for images, scripts and codes.
  • Recommendations for changes in site structure, content and strategy to increase search engine exposure
  • Sitemap generation for Google and Yahoo
  • Strategies for attracting inbound links : Link building and link baiting
  • Monthly assessment , report generation and monitoring of results

If you’re tired of your competitors getting all the sales and the customers favoring them because they top the search engines rankings, then you have found the solution : BDNETSOUL SEO Services will help you dramatically improve your search engine visibility and generate organic traffic that converts into sales.

For quotes contact us at info@bdnetsoul.com, tamim.inet@gmail.com.

Search engine marketing FAQ

Q.1 What is search engine optimization ?

Ans : Search engine optimization is optimizing your website in such a way that it facilitates it’s listing in the search engines and receives organic traffic directly from the search engines.

Q.2 Why is it beneficial to be ranked high on search engines ?

Ans : Higher rankings simply means top listings in the search engines.The higher you rank for your keywords, the better the chances of the visitors finding your site, the more your potential profits from your business.

Q.3 : Will the submissions guarantee my listing at the top on the search engines ?

Ans : Submission of your website to search engines is a way to let them know that you exist. This helps them to discover your website, crawl through your pages and index them in the appropriate categories. But your search engine rankings are decided based on a lot of criteria based on the search engine algorithm. Some of these include the structure of your site, the content , the competition in your industry, the authority in your industry.

So, while submission may not guarantee your listing in the top pages, it does ensure that the visibility of your site increases and that you get found by your target traffic if your website is the real deal in your industry.

Q.4: How much time does it take to see results after the submission ?

Ans : Normally you can see a change in 3 to 6 weeks time. However, there are other sites that have taken about 60 to 90 days to see any appreciable change in traffic and results. This time can be minimized with accurate knowledge and experience.

Q.5 : What if my site doesn’t get the top ranks despite submission ?

Ans : Submission of your site is to help the search engines find it , but it doesn’t necessarily ensure top listings. There are many aspects of your website that influence your ranking.

BDNETSOUL does a complete analysis of your site and it’s SERPs ( Search engine ranking position ) . This analysis will help you understand how you can alter your website’s structure, content and other parameters to improve your ranking in the search engine and drive more target traffic from the search engines.

Q.6 What are meta tags and what role do they play in seo ?

Ans : Meta tags are elements within the html code where you place the keywords and description of your site. In earlier times search engines used to read these meta tags to index the websites under those keywords , but with the increase in spamming and black-hat seo search engines began concentrating on other aspects of the website like the quality of the content, page structure and several others.

While the search engine spiders still take note of the meta tags , their influence on the search engine rankings of a website have significantly diminished and replaced by more vital factors.

Q.7 What is black-hat seo ?

Ans : There are search engine optimization that are legal and there are the ones that search engine consider illegal or black-hat. While employing some of the black-hat techniques may result in fast improvement of your search engine ranking, once detected by the search engines, your site stands the chance to get deindexed or blacklisted.

This means that your website will not appear on that search engine for any of your keywords leading to loss of traffic and revenue. So, avoiding spamming the search engine and black-hat seo to gain quick search engine exposure is in the interest of your website.

Q.8 : What is your position on spamming ?

Ans : We at BDNETSOUL employ only legal and authentic techniques to get your website search engine exposure and improve your SERPs. We don’t believe in spamming the search engines because it is detrimental for the website and neither is it in the interest of our business.

Q.9 : Can you guarantee higher profits once my site gets better rankings ?

Ans : There is no guarantee, but it’s the best exposure your website will ever get. This is because the visitors coming to your site via search engines are doing voluntary searches for a product or information. This means they are already interested in the product/ service. So, there are very high chances of improving your return on investment by getting your website top listings.

Q.10 : For what languages do you optimize the websites for search engines ?

Ans : We do search engine optimization for websites in English languages, but even if your website is in a foreign language, you will benefit from our services because many foreign languages search engines these days have an English version to target global visitors. Your search engine ranking will improve for these search engines.

Database Applications

BDNETSOUL has developed database Applications for large business providers, small business provider and these applications are running successfully .

Some Database Applications that are using worldwide

  • Content Management System
  • Pharma Solution
  • House Management System
  • Multi Level Marketing Solution System
  • School Management System Software
  • Stock and Inventory Management

Content Management System

Content management Software Development and web base software operation (CMS) A content management system (CMS) is a computer application used to create, edit, manage, search and publish various kinds of digital media and electronic text.

This CMS system is divided into 3 layers. Which can be operated by the following way:

  • Power User: Power user is the super admin of this CMS system. He can manage full site, able to get permission or access to CMS user and business user.
  • CMS User: CMS user can able to manage the site, receive the order, add, edit, update his products.
  • Business User: Business user can able to browse the site, after login he can able to order the food, write the comments etc.